Dear Friends, Supporters, Staff, and Community,

As we watch the votes get counted, it has become increasingly obvious that we are not going to have the outcome we have worked for and wished for these last nine months.

We began this campaign with a simple premise–that the challenges we face in our community and our state need to be addressed with a degree of urgency that we are not seeing in our State Legislature. We knew we needed representation “for us” that isn’t bossed, bought, and bullied by the corporate interests who stand to benefit by maintaining the status quo, or even rolling back the progress we HAVE made.

Though we faced headwinds from the beginning, each and every one of you redoubled your efforts, dug deep, and mustered the courage to continue this fight and to try and preserve democracy for the people, not the powerful. Make no mistake–though we have not prevailed at the ballot box, we have done something of equal or even greater importance–we have directly engaged and activated every single part of our community.

Each and every person who participated in our campaign should be proud of what we accomplished; it is my sincere hope that the experience gained will pay dividends as we try to protect and strengthen our democracy in our community, our state, and our nation. I am proud to have been supported by you and to have worked alongside you in this effort and I look forward to what we will do together in the future.

For us, all of us.
